Name: Tatiana Khodyreva Email: Khodyrevatatiana@gmail.com
Country: Russia
School/ organization: Lyceum 28 Kirov
Delegation leader/ teacher: Tatiana Khodyreva
Students: Georgi Bryazgin, Viktor Gotovtsev , Polina Eremina, Artem Moshkin, Ilona Orlova, Mikhail Sergeev
Partner organization: no
Project title: Save water, the source of life
Brief description of the project:

The aim of our project is to explain people the importance and the value of water,
to learn how people use water and how the water is purified for using.
We organized excursions to the enterprises that supply our city Kirov with clean drinking water. We watched the process of cleaning water and the process of pumping water out of the well and delivery of water to the consumer.
At school we carried out TV information giving a lot of significant and serious facts about water. We conducted water lesson for pupils of elementary and middle schools.
We learnt how much water was consumed by school for 24 hours before the informational lessons and after them. We are going to continue this work at school summer camp.
People in Kirov drink water from several sources: the Vyatka river, the wells in the gardens and private property and the industrial wells (clink). We drank this water exploring the taste. We conducted a chemical experiment to determine the quality of water, its rigidity and purity. We are shooting a short TV interview about the price of water for people in different places and recommendations for pupils how to save water in everyday life.