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Project Guidelines


Project Guidelines CEI2018


This outline should work as a frame for the CEI2018 projects. It is not a list of criteria, but a suggestion to what desirably should be included in the projects.


The idea is that students learn best when applying theory and research based knowledge in their work with an authentic problem. At the same time, problem-based learning supports students in the development of their communication and cooperation competences, and in acquiring the skills required when taking an analytical and result-oriented approach.


​The CEI delegates have to be  secondary school students (aged 14-19) accompanied by their teachers or mentors. It is recommended that each delegation consists of 1-2 teacher and 2-5 students. All delegations will present their projects (10 minute speeches) related to the conference theme through two oral presentations.




Project Summary and Photos for Homepage AND Global Forum 2018:  (due 1st May) Please submit your 1 page project summary (200-250 words) and 2-3 photos. Use the following template:







Step 1: Upload your project summary and description of your team to the forum "Present your Project" (  In order to be able to enter a post in this forum please log in with a Google-account at the "LOGIN" button. Then you can upload your data!


Step 2: ALSO send the summary and the photos, which will be published in the annual CEI publication, to the following email addresses: and .

For further information go to "GLOBAL FORUM"


Project Presentation:  Each delegation or team will be required to do a 10-minute project presentation at the conference.  (Please practice meeting the required time limit.)  Upon arrival, on Sunday, 8th July 2018, we will be asking for these presentations on CD, DVD or USB-stick. Best formats include Google Slides, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Prezi.



Project Poster Exhibition: All delegations must prepare a poster (60 cm wide / 80 cm high) containing information and pictures of the project. Each delegation will have time to present their projects using the poster. This poster presentation should be max. 5 min. long. Delegations will be separated in 2 main groups. There will be 30 minutes for the first group to present their posters and the second group will go to their most favourite posters to enjoy and discuss the presentations. After 10 minutes delegates move on to the next poster. After 30 minutes presenters swap and Group 2 will present their posters.


Conference Diary: All student delegates will get a booklet at the beginning of the conference and will be invited to keep a conference diary in which they will write about the activities they carry out during the conference and where they reflect on their experiences abroad. For each filled in activity students will get a certain number of points. The student with the most points will get a CEI reward at the end of the conference.


National Flag

Each country should prepare TWO big national flag around 100cm wide * 60cm high for the Opening Ceremony


Cultural Night

Each country should prepare a 5 minute performance related to their own culture in order to celebrate different cultures at the Cultural Night. If you include any audio or visual files in your performance, please hand these files in at your arrival on Sunday, 8th July 2018, on a stick or on a DVD/CD with your names and countries on it.


Food and Fun Market

Each country should bring something for the Food and Fun Market – it could be edible or something typical from your country to share or show the other participants.


We highly recommend that each delegation should include each of the following in their projects:


Each team must pursue a solution to an environmental or sustainable issue in their respective countries, which should be related to the conference theme “Let’s Experience Nature” and at least one of the sub themes: Climate Change, Conservation of Nature, Bioeconomics and Sustainability, Energy and Waste.

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Parts of this project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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