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BRG 10
BRG 12
BRG 11
BRG 13
BRG 14


The Organizers


"Verein zur Förderung internationaler gesellschaftlicher, ökologischer und sprachlicher Aktivitäten"

(Caretakers of the Environment International Austria)









The Caretakers of the Environment Austria (CEIA) is a registered non-profit society that supports young people aged 14 – 19 in different fields of their lives. CEIA seeks to offer its members new ways of understanding certain aspects of a multicultural and global society and to strengthen their entrepreneurship and their social, linguistic, cultural and civic competences. Therefore, CEIA organizes social and cultural events where its members meet other teenagers from abroad to discuss social and cultural issues and reflect on them. CEIA also arranges activities in the field of ecology, sustainability and environment in order to foster environmental awareness and to become conscious of challenges that surround the young generation. CEIA also hosts workshops, conferences and courses in order to realize its main aims.

















"Bundesgymnasium and Bundesrealgymnasium Judenburg"

(BG/BRG Judenburg)








The BG/BRG Judenburg is a lower and upper grammar school  with approx. 850 students and 75 teachers in different fields and subjects. A comprehensive and general education for a wide range of students is offered at the BG/BRG Judenburg. â€‹


Students start the BG/BRG Judenburg at the age of 10 and finish school with the leaving certificate at the age of 18. The school offers a wide range of subjects in different fields: science, sports, arts, languages, humanities.




















Furthermore the school offers boarding facilities in the afternoon and has participated in different national and international projects (2 Comenius Projects 2010-2014, Erasmus+ Project, regular participant of the Caretakers of the Environment International Conference, certified UNESCO school. The school is also equipped with a modern IT-infrastructure: computers and projectors in all classes, whiteboards, 69 iPads, 3D-printer, science-, biology-, chemistry- and physics laboratory with high-tech equipment and it is a nationally certified e-learning-school.







Military Base "Truppenübungsplatz Seetaler Alpe"



















Disclaimer: Erasmus+ / Youth in Action







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