Step 1: Show Interest to Register
Please fill in the following form! The coordinators will then send you an online link which should be used for the official online registration. Please note that only the team leader of your group should register. The leaders will register everyone that will be coming in the group including other adults and students. A team working and presenting a project should consist out of 1-2 teacher and 2-5 students.
The official registration will be open from 1st January 2018 - 15th April 2018
Deadline for payment will be the 30th April 2018
Here you can find the Terms of Payment and Conference Fees.
Step 2:
After you submitted your registration, it will await approval from the conference coordinators. When you are approved, you will receive an email with information on how to pay.
You will not be fully registered before we have received your payment – and you have received your final registration confirmation by e-mail. NOTE: no registration is complete without payment
In case you require an invitation letter for a visa (check: Do I need a visa?) you will also receive one after the payment.
Follow the project guidelines!
Please note: Refunds will be processed until the 1st of June. Refunds will exclude 10% of the original amount for administrative costs. After the 1st of June refunds will not be processed due to contracts with external partners, i.e. Military Base.