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June 2018



Final Programme:

Here you can find the final PROGRAMME CEI 2018 CONFERENCE:












In the following document you can find final lists for arrivals of all delegates. Please check your arrival and shuttle bus services you are allocated to carefully. If there are any mistakes, please contact the host.

Cost: one way 30 € for transport from Vienna Airport / Vienna Train Station / St. Michael Train Station to the venue. To be paid at check-in!

All delegates that arrive at Judenburg Train Station do not need to pay for transport.












On the following document you can find final lists for departure of all delegates. Please check your arrival and shuttle bus services you are allocated to carefully. If there are any mistakes, please contact the host.

Cost: one-way 30 € for transport from Judenburg to St. Michael Train Station / Vienna Train Station / Vienna Airport To be paid at check-in!

All delegates that get off at Judenburg Train Station do not need to pay for transport.












Can you please check your namelists and the spelling of your names. If you find any spelling mistakes please tell the reception team at the check-in. We need correctly spelled names for your certificates and your name tags.









Tuesday and Thursday are reserved for project presentations. In the following document you can find the organisation of the projects. Please check if there are any mistakes. If you have questions please ask at the arrival.













We have also planned and organised all workshops which are published on our homepage.














You can also find a check-list what the host needs from you at your arrival. Please read the check-list carefully and prepare all required documents and material.

  • ​

  • Consent forms (printed version)

  • Flag of your country

  • Project presentation (USB STICK). Please put your name on the USB STICK.

  • Any material (songs etc.) you need for cultural evening (USB STICK)

  • Poster for the poster presentation






Please note that delegates will only be checked in if conference fees have been paid in advance. If we have not received the conference fees before arrival we will not accept delegations at the conference.

Fees for transport and bank transfer have to be paid at arrival. Please make sure to pay in cash.  Room keys will not be handed out and delegates will not be checked in if finances are not settled at arrival.




Altitude Sickness:





Please make sure to bring:


  • 2 small towels

  • adapter

  • insect repellent (ticks)




For workshops/outdoor activities:


  • water proved rain jacket (Do NOT take an umbrella!)

  • good hiking shoes (closed), second pair of trainers

  • warmer jacket (it gets quite cold in the evening)

  • long trousers/short trousers

  • comfortable T-shirt for hiking (short/long-sleeved)

  • cap or any other headgear (sun)

  • swim wear

  • suncream

  • water bottle



Do not forget: You can of course drink tap water!






Parts of this project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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