Dear CEI 2018 Delegates,
Please join us in thanking our visionary sponsors and numerous supporters of the 32nd annual Caretakers of the Environment International Conference in Judenburg / Austria.
Sponsors include :
Bundesgymnasium und Bundesrealgymnasium Judenburg
Caretakers of the Environment International Austria
Truppenübungsplatz Seetal
Stadtgemeinde Judenburg
Wirtschaftskammer Murtal, Stadtwerke Judenburg AG
Hypo Steiermark
Heinzel pulp Zellstoff Pöls AG
Naturschutzbund Österreich
Intercom – Digitale Bildungs- und Schulverwaltung
proHolz Steiermark
Kraft das Murtal
We are honoured and excited to have the broad diversity of participation and support for 2018. We thank all sponsors for their overwhelming financial help.
Mag Bernd Fiechtl / Mag. Ilse Prenn
Presidents of Caretakers of the Environment International Austria
HR Mag. Johann Mischlinger
Principal of the BG / BRG Judenburg