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Erasmus+ Conference   Let's Experience Nature 8th - 14th July 2018

in Judenburg

The Project Idea:

In light of the evironmental challenges facing the world of today this project aims to raise awareness of environmental consequences and issues. The organisers of this project have participated in several international enviromental conferences and they have found out that there has never been an environmental youth exchange in the northern Styrian area. Especially dramatic wheather phenomena during the last couple of years have made people more arware of climate change and the importance of being more careful with nature. However, climate change and protection of nature cannot only be faced from a regional Styian perspective but also from a global and European one.

The project aims to create a platform where we can raise the awareness of students and their teachers on the environmental challenges facing the world today. The project will serve as a hub for knowledge sharing and dissemination on global environmental and sustainability challenges that are topical now and in the future.


Key Objectives:


• To help understand different environmental and sustainable issues across Europe and understand different perspectives on the necessity of developing solutions to save the environment.

• To challenge the way of thinking in terms of the responsibility at a environmental level as well as the responsibility of young people to engage themselves and make their voices heard.

• To interact with young people from across Europe and raise awareness amongst other young people.

• To highlight young people’s roles in social and democratic development at a European, national and local community level.

• To support young people in the acquisition of learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences) with a view to improving their personal development, their involvement as considerate and active citizens in society and their employability in the European labour market and beyond. +

• To reinforce synergies and transitions between formal, non-formal, informal education, vocational training, employment and entrepreneurship The project puts great emphasis on international cooperation among students and their teachers. Before the exchange, students should be in cooperation with a teacher/guide, prepare a project to be presented at the exchange.


These projects must process the theme of the exchange, "Let's Experience Nature" and relate to one of several subtopics:


• Climate Change

• Conservation of Nature

• Bioeconomics and Sustainability

• Energy

• Waste


The program of the exchange will place strong emphasis on students' project presentations, because the youth perspective on today's environmental challenges can often contribute to new solutions and thought patterns. It is important that students reflect on various issues that are brought up through project presentations, as it provides a broader understanding of environmental problems and its solutions. In addition the participants present their project twice because the first time will get constructive feedback and thus have the opportunity to reflect on and improve their project at the final presentation. This reflection is important for the young and benefits both the project and student learning.


The coordinating organisation wants to guarantee that young people acquire appropriate skills which enhance their academic and social development. Therefore, we have many young people who are actively involved in the organization and conduct of the environmental exchange.



In connection with the exchange the coordinator created a "Youth Guide Team", a selection of teenagers who act as volunteers and assist with information in English and help to stand for various activities for the young participants during the week. When young guides will communicate in English they will achieve better English skills both written and oral. In addition, the young guides will be trained in cultural differences and gain an insight into how best to cope in an international environment by taking into account the different cultures. The "Youth Guide Team" will also actively participate in the management and organisation of the project. So they will cooperate with experienced project teachers and so get knowledge how to organise an international youth exchange.



To ensure the professional quality of the content of the exchange a steering committee has been established. This committee consists of teachers from the BG/BRG Judenburg, who are experienced in EU project work, experts in the field of environment from the University Graz, members of the Austrian Army at the Truppenübungplatz Seetaleralpe supporting the organiser with facilities.


A third team called "Young Reporters of the Environment" will also participate. They will be aged 13-18 and they will be responsible for taking pictures, filming activities and creating visual material that is later published on social media, local media and the project blog.



Integration of Erasmus+ Participants in the 32nd Caretakers of the Environment Conference:

As environmental challenges do not only affect Europe, the Erasmus+ project was integrated into a larger conference where also students from all over the world participated. This way the Erasmus+ project idea could be transferred on to a larger and international scale. Participants of the Erasmus+/Youth in Action project carried out a certain amount of activities separated from the rest of the conference. However they also participated in other social, scientific, cultural and sport activities, in order to exchange their experience with other students from non-European countries.



Project Partners:

The European participants will be between ages 13-19. Each partner organization is responsible for
picking 5-6 participants (minimum one of these participants will be aged 18+) using a fair and equal
opportunity process.





Project Group 1: Austria




Project Group 2: Portugal 1




Project Group 3: Portugal 2




Project Group 4: Poland








Project Group: Turkey






Project Group 6: Sweden (cancelled)





























This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Parts of this project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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