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What is CEI?










The Caretakers of the Environment International (CEI) is an independent organization established in 1986, embracing secondary school students, teachers and mentors, whose interests are focused specifically on the issues of environmental protection, promoting education, shaping awareness and training within sustainable development.
We come from nearly 50 countries from the furthest corners of the world. Some countries have established National Branches of CEI. See CEI's Mission and Statutes for more information.


The Mission


What does it take to enable students to see the planet as one interdependent environment?

Caretakers of the Environment (CEI) believes this can best occur through having students meet and work together.

CEI tries to establish a worldwide network of secondary school teachers and students who are actively concerned about environmental issues and who are willing to do something about these issues through their education and their action-taking. In order to spread the CEI idea, the CEI board organizes annual international conferences, founds national CEI branches and organizes national and regional workshops all over the world.

The network intends to be a podium for teachers and students to exchange concerns, ideas, strategies, actions and projects in the field of environmental education.



CEI's Goals


  • To develop a worldwide network of secondary school students and teachers who share environmental concerns and who face environmental challenges.

  • To share successful and innovative environmental education programs.

  • To facilitate joint educational projects that encourage international data exchange and interdisciplinary activities.

  • To develop strategies which enable delegates to act as ambassadors for CEI in their own country.

  • To promote environmental awareness and to develop national EE-networks.

  • To encourage the building of trust, friendship and cooperation among people of different cultural background.














Caretakers Song



We are the caretakers

Come and sing with us

We are the caretakers


We can’t run

We only got one earth

We got one chance

To make it better


And we all swim across the sea

The sea of hope

The sea of freedom



We are the caretakers

Come and sing with us

We are the caretakers



Men as you and me

Why can’t they sing?

We are responsible!


And take my hand

Let’s sense Mother Earth

Watching this to keep on living



We are the caretakers

Come and sing with us

We are the


And we all swim across the sea

The sea of hope

The sea of freedom



We are the caretakers

Come and sing with us

We are the caretakers















Parts of this project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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