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CEI 2018

Alumni Team Application Guidelines


“Let’s Experience Nature”  

08-14 July 2018




Application Process


As every host country has different plans and needs, the requirements and responsibilities for the Alumni Team vary every year. This year the host organization would like to invite 3 Alumni from other countries. The Alumni team will work closely with Caretakers of the Environment Austria and Austrian local volunteers.


Please note that only qualified Alumni are eligible to apply for the CEI 2018 Alumni Team.


  • Please complete the CEI 2018 Alumni Team Application Form and send to Ilse Prenn by 31st December 2017.


  • The choice of Alumni to attend the conference will be made jointly by the CEI Board and the Conference Host. Alumni will be informed by email by 31st January 2018.




Being part of the Alumni Team, you will provide support to the CEI 2018 conference. Your responsibilities include:


  • Being involved in the planning prior to the conference.

  • Helping in order to run the conference smoothly and successfully.

  • Helping the delegates engage and participate actively in the conference.

  • Assisting in developing and carrying out certain parts of the program, such as ice breaking activities, culture night, project presentations, workshops and social events.

  • Being a role model of leadership and good behavior.

  • After the conference, complete an evaluation survey to share your experience and provide feedback to the host and the CEI board.




To apply for being a member of the CEI 2018 Alumni Team, you should:

  • Be 19 to 25 years old and have attended two CEI conferences.

  • Prepare a project based on one of the conference's subtopics.

  • Have good English speaking skills.

  • Have good communication skills.

  • Be active, creative, independent and responsible, a great team player.

  • Be able to arrive in Judenburg by 5th July 2018 (three days before the conference) to help with the preparation.

  • Experience of working with people from different cultural backgrounds will be an asset.





Caretakers of the Environment Austria and the CEI board will provide the following supports for the Alumni Team:


  • Waive your conference registration fee.

  • Financial support up to 50% of your travel expenses (Distance and individual performance will be taken into account).

  • Provide an invitation letter and other assistance for your fundraising.

  • And of course you will have a brilliant experience, make many new friends and have more chances to discover the nature and culture of Austria!




Should you have any questions, please contact Ilse Prenn or use the box below:




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Parts of this project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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