Country: Indonesia
School/ organization: Sekolah Alam Medan Raya
Delegation leader/ teacher: Nurbaiti Ekasari
Students: Azzam Habibullah
Partner organization: Jaringan Sekolah Alam Nusantara
Project title: “Let's Write With The Nature” An Innovative Program to Improve Environmental and Ecological Awareness of the People in Young Age
The development or invention of technology has changed the way of thinking, behavior, and culture in humans. An example is the internet revolution. This is very influential to the Young Generation, because they are the most internet users in the world. If they are affected by this technology, they will become increasingly unconcerned about the preservation of nature and the environment, and they will never know the true meaning of Nature to the world and themselves.
'Let's Write With The Nature' is a training program that has facilitated and directed young people aged 13-18 to become future leaders, through writing to conserve nature by exploration activities. The program has 3 main steps; Exploration, Write it down, and Deliver it.

‘Exploration with nature’ is an activity that can foster inspiration and caring. ‘Write it down’ is an activity to train creativity, imagination, and visionary thinking. ‘Deliver it’ is an activity that can foster the character of communicative, solutive, and responsibility. Indication of the success of this program is to get the character of the leader and awareness of the environment.

This program has been implemented 3 times, with total participants reaching 50 people. According to the participants, they felt more respect to the Nature, knowing themselves, and more confident after attending the program. All writings they have created are taken home and all participants are committed to preserve the environment as future leaders.