Country: Taiwan
School/ organization:Stella Maris Ursuline High School
Delegation leader/teacher: Huang Yu-Hsiang, ChienFan-Tso
Students: Fang Jhih-Han, Wen Pin-Yuan
Partner organization: Tai Chang Elementary School
Project title: Recover Ecological Pond with Taiwanese Native Plants
Brief description of the project:
The ecological pond in our school has been deserted for some time. In order to restore the initial status of the pond, several Taiwanese original plants are planned to be planted. Through the project, we hope to gain more knowledge and practice team work; furthermore, the purpose of environmental education can be satisfied.
The restoration includes three phases. Firstly, we removed most of the plants out from the school pond. Secondly, we designed a circulating system. Thirdly, we used soil to make an slope at the bottom of the pond, creating a deep end area and a shallow end area. Different areas are separated by stacked stones. We also made three zones in the pond, respectively for submerged plants, floating plants, and emergent plants. In the submerged plant zone, we planted the Round-leaf Rotala, stabilizing our soil. In the floating plant zone, we planted the Yellow Water Lily, which is endangered in Taiwan. The idea is to preserve this unique Taiwanese species. In the emergent plant zone we plantedthree kinds of Hygrophila, hoping to educate our students to observe and appreciate the beauty of their flowers.
Moreover, we invited two experts to share their ideas. One is specialized in water circulation, and the other is excelled in ecological restoration. They corrected ourmistakes for us and taught us more knowledge.
To promote environmental awareness, we will report our achievement to all the junior high classes in our school, telling them how important the sustainable development is and what they can do for the environment. This project has not only helped us learn from cooperation but also demonstrated a good place of ecological restoration to the whole school community.