I have been interested in early childhood and special needs education since junior high school. Nowadays, I find some related problems, such as waste dump and the availability of proper learning materials.
As we know, waste in Indonesia are not well managed yet. Based on data from Bogor Strategy of Sanitation, the waste dump volume in Bogor City is about 1.756 cubic meters or equals to 600 tons each day, while only about 53% that transported to final disposal.
Because of that matter, I try to reduce waste by reuse and turn into learning materials. In fact, there are many early childhood education programs or schools haven’t proper learning materials yet because of the high cost. By self-making learning materials out of waste, it should decrease the cost of learning materials and help students getting proper learning materials.
To prove my hypothesis, I have done a survey to teachers that using waste-based learning materials. The data said that by using waste to make learning materials, it can decrease cost to 75,43%. 89% respondents have proven that self-made learning materials can support effective learning activities. By these project I hope Early Childhood Educators (Teachers) produce the learning materials by them self using out of waste around school. it will reduce amount of waste and surely will improve the learning materials quality.
Keywords: Learning Materials | Early Childhood | Waste | Recycle | Sustainability