Country: Indonesia
School/ organization: Citra Alam Senior High School
Delegation leader/ teacher: Desi Arti
Students: Evada Putra Widatama
Partner organization: Jaringan Sekolah Alam Nusantara (JSAN)
Project title: The Advantage of Black Soldier Fly (BSF) Farming Aplication for Organic Waste Treatment In School’s Algiculture Practice

We’ve studied for 3 years on our school and during those time we’ve building and developing the agriculture business on our school. Of course we’ve stumbled upon many challenges and these 2 are the most concerning one:
The abundant of feces. 140kg feces/month are made from our rabbit farm, 35% are used as fertilizer mixture while the other still sacked and thrown away.Expensive catfish feed. With the current catfish pellet price and low guaranteed harvest rate (40% of total catfish), we currently have minus earning every harvest cycle (-$21.91).Examining those problem we found apromising solution that should solve both problem at once And that’is BSF farming. BSF farming is the procces of breeding Black soldier fly (hermetia illucens) From the egg to larvae/maggot to pupae to fly and repeat. Now why should it solve both problem?Because BSF Maggot need food to grow, Thus Feces combined with organic waste is the perfect combination to sustain greedy appetite (45.000 maggot can consume 24kg pig feces in 14 days). 2 weeks after the maggot hatch they’re at it’s peak nutrient (39%-49%protein ) therefore we will harvest and use them as replacement for catfish pellet.

The next step is. After acquiring more data we use those data to support a proposal to implement BSF farm on nearby garbage bank to reduce the organic waste that would have end up in landfill or incerator, also 9000 tons of garbage are produced in jakarta each day and 54% consist of organic waste.