Country: Indonesia
School/ organization: Citra Alam Senior High School
Delegation leader/ teacher: Desi Arti
Students: Gloriana Fattimia Amadea
Partner organization: Jaringan Sekolah Alam Nusantara (JSAN)
Project title: SOLPAQUA : A Basic Solution Model For Food And Nutrition Adequacy in Indonesia

Indonesia is the country with the greatest biodiversity in the world. Unfortunately, about 20 milion people who do not have enough food eat and nutritional fulfillment in order to lead a healthy and productive life. There are more than 80 million people worldwide who go to bed with a hungry stomach now. That is, a quarter of the number of people lacking food in Indonesia.
Indonesia has the potential to generate renewable (solar) energy equivalent to 2.000 kWh (per year) with a module of 5 m2. That is, it takes only a series of modules covering 40 hectares to produce electrical energy equivalent to national consumption.
One of the advantages of developing Solar Power Generations (PLTS) is the flexibility of its development. It can be built from small scale to large scale. The increase in the ratio of electrification and electricity supply is important in order to increase domestic electricity consumption. Economic growth does not tigger electricity consumption. The addition of access to electricity of access to electricity makes the economy more advanced.

Aquaponics is a combination of aquaculture, which is growing fish and other aquatic animals, and hydroponics which is growing plants without soil. The Solar-Powered Aquaponic (SOLPAQUA) Model that I build is for producing vegetables and fish. I implemented the usage of Solar Power Plant for Aquaponics in my house.

I think that SOLPAQUA concept should be campaigned to many people, especially for household needs. Then, I do a campaign starting from my nearest neighbor and parent community.