Light Pollution in the City Center in Hong Kong
Joyce Chan, Whitney Chan, Jack Hui,Isaac Lee, Yannes Chan
Po Leung Kuk Laws Foundation College
Hong Kong, China
Project Abstract
Light pollution is the presence of man-made light which is obtrusive, excessive and unnecessary in the nighttime environment. It is particularly serious in the commercial districts of big cities.
Light pollution has various impacts on both the ecosystem and human physiology. The lifestyle of animals is disturbed and communication among animals in the same species. Also, people living in the immediate vicinity of neon billboards suffer from loss of vision, hormone problems, heart disease, and cancer.
In our project, the illuminance near the city center is investigated. We compared our data collected with the international standard. It is found that the illumination in some areas of Hong Kong has been increasing continuously over the past 7 years. It reflects that the light pollution problem in Hong Kong is serious and worsening.
There are various methods to alleviate the light pollution problem. As a citizen, we can turn off unnecessary lights, pay greater attention to current news about light pollution in order to understand the most updated situation, and install apps to investigate the illumination of our hometown.
It is hoped that we can raise people's awareness towards light pollution. The current policy in Hong Kong towards light pollution is definitely insufficient. It is crucial for everyone to give a helping hand in order to solve the problem of light pollution. Many hands make light work. Turn off unnecessary lights to make Hong Kong a beautiful city with starry sky.