Country: Taiwan
School/ organization:HUEY DENG HIGH SCHOOL
Delegation leader/ teacher: CHAN, Shu-Ya

Students: HAN, Jui-Che、HUANG, Jung-Hsuan、YU, Po-Hsien、HSU, Hung-Chi
Partner organization: Music Rice
The rice husks are usually considered useless and an origin of exhaust after the harvest of rice. In Taiwan, an Asian country , the most common way is to burn them out;however, this leads to serious air pollution.

Therefore, we intend to find if there is any better way to apply the chemical property of rice husks with more efficiency while reducing the pollution at the same time. We figure out that the best way would be focusing on how to apply the characteristics of the rice husks on what they can attribute. In order to achieve the aim, we made them into two valuable products, the rice carbon and the rice vinegar.The Rice vinegar is the liquid obtained from the smoke after burning the rice husks. It is a natural pesticide.

The Rice carbon is the solid remain from burning the rice husks. It can improve the quality of soil by keeping the moisture content and increasing the nutrients contents of soil. These two products can reduce the use of chemical pesticides while fertilizing at the same time so that the environment will no longer suffer more damages. “To protect our nature” is our staple to ingrain the annual courses at school, and to promote it through our cooperative community to the local farmers. We hope to decrease the environmental damages caused by agricultural purposes with this method.