Country: Russia
School/ organization: Lyceum №28, Kirov
Delegation leader/ teacher: Marina Konopleva
Students: Dmitrii Zorin, Ilia Prokashev, Lev Gubnitsin, Matvei Gordin
Partner organization: Lyceum №28, Kirov

After the big repair of our school building we decided to garden the recreation window sills. These windows face North-East. Not all plants can grow in such conditions. We tried to solve this problem.
Our goal
To study the light level of the recreation window sills to select the optimal indoor plants.
· To learn ecological groups of plants according to the natural light.
· To measure the light intensity on the recreation windowsills and analyze the results.
· To choose the plants for a certain light level and plant them.
· To create favorable conditions for their growth with the help of mobile portable laboratory Labdisk GLOMIR (temperature, water regime, the mode of nutrition etc.))
· To monitor the development of planted species after their landing.
The study was carried out from 15.10.2017 to 15.01.2018. Our studies show a rather low level of light, as well as the current tendency of its reduction in accordance with the time of the year. Therefore, the following unpretentiousness plants were selected for planting :
1. Senpolia. It is loved for its beauty, abundant flowering and endurance.
2. Chlorophytum. This plant is beautiful and able to purify the air.
3. Sanseverier. It tolerates a shadow and the sun, dry air and coolness, it is able to protect against the accumulation of harmful substances.
The selected plants for windowsills are optimal. The monitoring of the status of planted species say about their satisfactory condition. They require good care, timely watering and fertilizing.