André Boulloche High School - Livry-Gargan - FRANCE

Our delegation
There are two teams of eco-citizens in our high-school.
Firstly, a group of eco-delegates is involved in tackling sustainable development issues in the school. Several actions have been led on waste processing by this group of students over the past few months, such as:
- equipping each classroom with “paper trays” in order to recycle paper
- working with a local farmer and organization to transform the bio-waste of our canteen into biogas and fertilizers (methanisation process). It’s also a solidarity-based action implementing long-term unemployed people.

Our Students visiting the biogaz plant where our bio-waste are transformed.
The second eco-citizen group works on a project named « Salydarity ». They are involved in an international solidarity project created in 2004 by former students of our school.

Our students and Saly pupils painting walls of the dry toilets.
This students' initiative aims at helping a school in Senegal, in the town of Saly. Consequently, we work to collect money by different actions, like selling pancakes or organizing special events / evenings. Moreover, together with eco-delegates, we sometimes sell African handmade items made in Saly. Thanks to the funds raised, we installed dry toilets in the school of Saly in 2015, for instance. And soon, we will help them develop permaculture during our next trip, in 2019.
Finally, with all of these actions, we strive to contribute to a sustainable development, both here and there.

Children from Saly