Country: Mexico
School/ organization: Instituto Escuela del Sur
Delegation leader/ teacher: Magalí Sarmiento Fradera
Students: Denisse Guevara Espinosa, Natalia Jabnéh López García, Herminio Martínez Rodríguez, Helena Sabina Reyes González, Christian Vargas Tena.
Project title: The intensive cultivation of avocado in Mexico and its social and natural impact

Mexico is a privileged place for the cultivation of avocado: this fruit is native of Mexico and is part of our diet, cosmetics, medicine and tradition. It has been a source of prosperity and wellbeing, but recently, it has also generated, deforestation, greed, corruption, health problems and social imbalance.
The escalating world demand has caused the harvest of avocado to become intensive, transforming not only its commerce, but also the way of life of farmers and the environment in the communities that produce it. This great commercial impulse should generate economic abundance and social welfare in the host community, but this has not been the case. The challenge is to find solutions that take advantage of the potential of the avocado for the benefit of the environment and of the populatio

In this work we present the impact that the unsustainable exploitation of this important resource has had in our country at an environmental and social level, rescuing some solutions that can gear direction to the sustainable use of this fruit.
As a student community we know that the problem is huge since it is related not only to national resources, but also to global demand, and we are convinced that our best contribution to find solutions begins with the formation of an environmentally global awareness.