Title: An application of renewing shipping container house by using wastes
School/ organization: Humanity Primary and Junior High School
Delegation leader/Teacher: Wu Shiang-Yun
Brief description of the
The average annual daily waste produced in Taiwan is 8.8 million tons, while business waste is twice that
amount, reaching 18 million tons each year. This problem is only getting worse, with economic development pushing up the numbers 5-7 percent each year. Although the Taiwan government has implemented recycling for the last few years, there has been no significant decrease in the amount of daily waste and garbage produced.
This major issue led us to contemplate alternative methods to counterbalance the abundance of garbage already in Taiwan. As opposed to following the norm and sending unrecyclable garbage to landfills and recyclable mater
ials to recycle plants, all of which increase energy consumption and carbon dioxide pollution, we wanted to take personal responsibility for the garbage and unused materials in and around our school.
With the fresh and eco-friendly goal of reuse in mind, observing our school and the available materials it provided, gave us the idea to build a greenhouse for our school. Lying idle and its walls rusting away, a steel shipping container gave us a perfect starting point. With the idea similar to traditional Japanese window architecture, we rebuilt the walls with bamboo and driftwo
od. The double layer bamboo walls have multiple positive attributes; such
as rain resistance, heat deflection, and air ventilation. We hope to continue finding ways to improve this green building and to be a beacon to the people around us who have yet to see the importance of caring for mo
ther earth.